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Your Heimdall Fetch FRB

Epilog runs Heimdall on Dada buffers for given file(s). Here are some additional notes for this script.

  • To use data present in multiple contiguous PSRFITS format files, just use -f *.fits.

  • Use the RFI mitigation algorithms provided in your by adding -flag_rfi to the command.

  • Do sub-banded search with --channel_start and --channel_end to specify the channel range to use.

  • Give a channel mask as a text file using --mask.

  • All the relevant Heimdall inputs can be set using various command line arguments.


usage: [-h] [-v] [-f FILES [FILES ...]] [-dm DM DM] [-g GPU_ID] [-flag_rfi] [-sk_sigma SPECTRAL_KURTOSIS_SIGMA] [-sg_sigma SAVGOL_SIGMA] [-sg_frequency SAVGOL_FREQUENCY_WINDOW] [-dm_tol DM_TOL] [-rfi_no_narrow] [-rfi_no_broad] [-mask MASK]
                        [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-fs CHANNEL_START] [-fe CHANNEL_END] [--no_progress] [--no_log_file]


short long default help
-h --help show this help message and exit
-v --verbose 0 Be verbose
-f --files None filterbank or psrfits
-dm --dm [10, 1000] DM (eg -dm 10 1000)
-g --gpu_id 0 GPU ID to run heimdall on
-flag_rfi --flag_rfi Use your to flag RFI
-sk_sigma --spectral_kurtosis_sigma 4 Sigma for spectral kurtosis based RFI mitigation, only applied if -flag_rfi is used.
-sg_sigma --savgol_sigma 4 Sigma for Savgol filter for RFI mitigation, only applied if -flag_rfi is used.
-sg_frequency --savgol_frequency_window 15 Filter window for savgol filter (in MHz), only applied if -flag_rfi is used.
-dm_tol --dm_tol 1.25 SNR loss tolerance between DM trials
-rfi_no_narrow --rfi_no_narrow disable narrow band RFI excision
-rfi_no_broad --rfi_no_broad disable 0-DM RFI excision
-mask --mask None File containing channel numbers to flag
-o --output_dir None Output dir for heimdall candidates
-fs --channel_start 0 Start channel for sub band search
-fe --channel_end -1 End channel for sub band search
--no_progress Do not show the tqdm bar
--no_log_file Do not write a log file